Vocabulary - manage, edit and add new words

Remove a word from the vocabulary with a single command

Dictating measurement units: mmol/l

Internet browsers and browser-based programs

Create a custom command that opens a specific website in Chrome

Dictating in Firefox (supported via extension)

Handsfree browsing in Chrome and Edge with Click by Voice

Microsoft Office (Word, Outlook and Excel)

Quickly add comments to Word document by voice

Multi-level bulleted lists in Microsoft Word

Basic voice commands for navigating in a table in Microsoft Word

Inserting a table in a Microsoft Word document

How to check if Full Text Control is available in Word (or Excel/Outlook)

Troubleshooting: Audio & technical problems and errors

Checking your microphone

Annoying Software Manager messages

Updating Dragon with a patch

Error about maximum amount of speech data


Dragon says: “Cannot find matching text” and doesn’t write down the dictation

Moving the mouse and clicking by voice

An alternative dictation box for Dragon

Writing a blog post with Dragon

Creating a shortcut to the forum

What to do with ‘Learn from documents’ message at startup

Backing up your User Profile

When to use “new line” vs. “press enter”

A sample of Janneke's dictation