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Course Content

Introducing the course

Everyone uses the web, right? And it takes a LOT of clicking to get around.

Also, nowadays many business applications are browser-based and it can be a challenge to navigate these with voice commands.

In this course you will learn what your options are and also that sometimes websites are unfortunately not or not completely accessible by voice.

You will...

  • Download a super practical cheat sheet with voice commands for the browser
  • Set up your browser for use with Dragon (installing the browser extension)
  • Learn voice commands for clicking on hyperlinks, buttons, text fields et cetera
  • Learn how to post a message on social media by voice
  • You'll also learn the things I encountered that don't work and how to work around them.

Fair warning: The browser extensions provide support for Firefox, Chrome and Edge, but the extensions are not perfect and browsing by voice can sometimes be a bit challenging.